Women’s Day Quotes – Women Empowerment Quotes.
Hey there in this article I will share some beautiful Womens Day Quotes with you all, this womens day quotes are really awesome and perfect to share on International Women’s Day and to wish every women, I shared this collection of Happy Womens Day Quotes.
When International Women’s Day Celebrated?
– International Women’s Day (IWD) is praised on 8 March around the planet. It is a point of convergence in the development for ladies’ privileges.
Why We Celebrate International Women’s Day?
After the Socialist Party of America coordinated a Women’s Day in New York City on February 28, 1909, German agents Clara Zetkin, Käte Duncker, Paula Thiede and others proposed at the 1910 International Socialist Woman’s Conference that “an uncommon Women’s Day” to be coordinated yearly. After ladies acquired testimonial in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 turned into a public occasion there. The day was then dominatingly celebrated by the communist development and socialist nations until it was embraced by the women’s activist development in around 1967. The United Nations started commending the day in 1977.
Alright this was a brief intro of International Women’s Day Now I will share some Happy Womens Day Quotes, Womens Day Images, Womens Day Quotes & Happy womens day wishes, which will help you to share this with women’s and wish them Happy Womes Day.
Womens Day Quotes
Behind every successful women,there is a tribe of other successful women,who have her back.
There is no limit,To what we,as a women,can accomplish– Michelle Obama
You are a bright,beautiful,Goddess.
Strong women don’t play victim,don’t make themselves look pitiful,& don’t point fingers,They Stand & They Deal.
Happy Womens Day Quotes
I was raised to bean independent women,not the victim of anything.– Kamla Harris
She remembered,who she was,and the game changed.– Lalah Deliah
Here’s to strong women,May we know them,May we be them,May we raise them.
Womens Day Wishes
The success of every womenshould be an inspiration to other.We are strongest,when we cheer each other on.– Serena Williams
If people are doubting,how far you can go?Go so far thatyou can’t hear them anymore.– Michele Ruiz
A women is like ‘Tea bag’you can’t tell how strong she is,until you put her in ‘Hot Water’– Eleanor Roosevelt
Women Empowerment Quotes
Feminism isn’t about making women strong,Women’s are already strong.It’s about changing the way the world,percieves that strength.– G.D Anderson
A woman who knows,what she brings to the tableis not afraid to eat alone.
Be a girl, with Mind,A women, with Attitude,A lady with class.
Womens Day Quotes
I’m grateful,to be a woman.I must did something great,in previous life.– Maya Angelou
I do not wish women,to have power over men;But over themselves.– Mary Shelley
Do not live someone else’s lifeand someone else’s ideaof what womanhood is.” Womanhood Is You”– Viola Davis
Strong Women Quotes
A women is a Voice is,by definition,a strong women.But the search to findthat voice can beremarkably difficult.– Melinda Gates
The most alluring thinga woman can have is“CONFIDENCE”
Girls should never beafraid to be Smart.– Emma Watson
A strong woman looksa challenge in the eye& gives it a Wink.– Gina Carey
Womens Day Wishes
Little girls with dreams,become women with vision.
Her soul is fierce,her heart is brave,her mind is strong.
She is everything;even if she tried like nothing.– R.H. Sin
I think woman is the lastthing civilised by men.– George Meredith
Women are realarchitects of the society.– Cher
Happy Womens Day Wishes
Women are madeto be loved,not understood.– Oscar Wilde
You are a Woman,that’s your super power.
When women supportseach other, incredible things happen.
If you want something said, ask a manif you want something done, ask a woman.-Margaret Thatcher
Women are the sustaining force of any society,they think of the children andthe next generation’s chances.-Margo MacDonald
Womens Day Images
If your dreams don’t scare you,They are too small.– Richard Branson
The true beauty ofa woman, reflectedin her soul.– Audrey Hepburn
Women, We are morepowerful when weempower each other.
Be a woman youwould look up to.
I want every girl to knowthat her voice can change the world.– Malala Fund
So, I hope you enjoyed reading this article on Womens Day Quotes & Women Empowerment Quotes.
If you liked this article than do share with the ladies you love to make them feel special, happy & wish them Happy Womens Day.