Realme TV To Launch In India With Realme XT 730 G (Specifications, Price and Release Date)

Realme TV

Guys we got some interesting leaks regarding Realme TV. Yes the well known smartphone brand Realme. As per leaks we got to know that Realme TV will be launched in competition of Xiaomi available TVs in Indian market.
Realme TV specifications, price and release date.
Realme Name logo
Realme will introduce their new Realme TV with their upcoming flagship smartphone Realme XT 730G in the end of this year 2019.
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Realme TV specifications, price and release date.
Realme Logo

Realme TV Specifications:

As we get to know there are no such leaks or confirmation regarding the Realme TV specifications, But as it will be a competitor of Xiaomi’s TV than we can say that Realme TV specifications will be closely or may be better than Xiaomi’s TV.
Realme TV specifications, price and release date, xiaomi tv, mi tv
Xiaomi Mi Tv

Realme TV Price In India:

According to leaks Realme TV price in india will be aggressive as they have to beat the ruling brand Xiaomi, so as per our knowledge the Realme TV price in india may be similar or less than Xiaomi Mi TVs.

Realme TV Release Date In India:

Brand Realme also has confirmed that their new Realme TV release date in India will be later in December 2019.
Stay connected with us to get all the leaks or any confirmation regarding Realme TV specifications, price and release date.
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